
Active Member
I had a new windscreen put in the other day. Due to having some rust bubbling where the screen meets the roof I took the vehicle to a body work place and had the screen taken out, the rust sorted and a new screen put back in. There appears to be a gap in the trim each side of the windscreen, right at the top where it meets the A-pillars. Something's definitely not right because there's loads of wind noise as I drive along.

I've got the windscreen people coming out to have a look today, but in the meantime would anyone be able to do me a favour and take a picture of the top of their windscreen, looking down the A-pillar from the gutter IYSWIM? I just want to know what the trim *should* look like.

When it's light I'll try to get a pic of mine and post it here.


Oh - and as an aside, I borrowed the ultrasonic kit from work, put the noise maker in the car and ran the wand around the windscreen - its definitely not sealed as well as it should be in the corners! Hopefully its helped me find the sunroof leaks too!
Don't know if these are any use to you mate




Excuse the rust :oops: it's on my to do list, honest :rolleyes:

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