
New Member
Hi - can anyone give me some advice please.

I have a 91 RR Vogue with a VM engine. The engine was professionally rebuilt about 2 years ago. I have a strange knock developing which is driving me mad as I cannot trace it. It is definitely engine related as opposed to transmission but only occurs when cornering sharply or going up sharp inclines. If I allow the engine to tick-over for a couple of minutes the noise disappears. I can't trace it despite many attempts.
I can run for 200 Km on the flat and never hear a thing. Swing uphill on a bend and off it goes. It's a metalic knock just like a small end going, but that can't be the case.

Any advice would be VERY welcome.

Thanks in advance
Hi and welcome to landyzone!
It sounds to me like a problem with oil distribution within the engine, possibly the oil pump or an oil pick up pipe that distributes oil could be blocked.
As no-one seems to want to pick this one up, I'll give it a shot. You say that the knock appears when you corner or go up-hill. Is it worse when you are turning right or left ? The reason I ask, is that I suspect this could be temporary oil starvation caused by the oil in the sump 'swilling' to one side when you corner and temporarily exposing the oil-pump pick up pipe in the sump.
The pump then sucks on air for a few seconds and oil pressure drops to zilch !!!(not good). As the car streightens out, the pick-up pipe again becomes covered with oil and the status quo is restored.
Questions :- Is the oil level correct on the dipstick ?
Has the oil pick-up pipe become un-attached from the pump ?
I have seen this, the end result is the same as a low oil level.
Has the engine or sump pan been modified or changed in any way
prior to this complaint ?
One way to see if this is the case is to fit, or watch, if fitted, the oil pressure gauge whilst cornering. If the pressure drops sharply, we are on the right track.
Otherwise, remove the sump pan and examine the oil pick-up and pump mechanism.
I can't think of any other circumstances which would cause the symptoms you describe.
Let us know how the situation progresses Galei, hope this helps.
Hy galei,
Thanks for your private message, but you should have posted it on here, (more chance of a sensible reply). The oil warning light on any vehicle, not just Landy is a remarkably untrustworthy instrument. I was warned of this nearly ** years ago, (more than I care to remember);) It usualy comes on just as the engine is about to go to that great scrapyard in the sky, i.e. they are usualy set to come on when the oil pressure is down to 5 to 7 p.s.i. this is far too low, and beyond the point where damage is already being caused to the engine, (read 'main and big end knock').
If you want to know what is realy going on in your lump, fit a quality oil pressure gauge, or get your hands on an industrial pressure switch suitable for the purpose, and set to between 12 and 15 p.s.i. and wire it to an audiable warning, (it's very easy to miss a light which comes on for just a few seconds).
Give it a try, it's not that expensive, and it's cheap insurance when you consider the cost of a new engine.
I can't think of any other set of circumstances which might cause the symptoms you describe. Best of luck, and keep us informed.
Cruisermik. :cool:
I reckon the guys have you on the right track, reading your discreption it just has to be an oil problem and these blokes could not have put it better.... Good luck


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