
New Member
Hi to all from this new user. Have had my landy for 5 years and nearly sold it last summer but then had a change of heart. Have since spruced it up a bit and glad I kept it for the snow! I will be looking for a local Landy garage/mechanic to do a bit of a service soon. Based in Bromley Kent so any recommendations gratefully received.
Hello. And what he said. I was a complete novice when I started now I will NEVER take my Landy to a mechanic ever again. Next trick is to learn to weld!
I have made my £5 donation as I think this is a great site and would not feel comfortable freeloading! I do a lot of things on my TD5 myself but the electrics are driving me mad at the moment because the lights keep failing. I have ordered most of the parts that normally cause this problem so hopefully that will fix it as I am too lazy to spend hours tracing faults as there are not enough hours in the day. I also need to replace heater control cable but not sure if I want to tackle this one. I have taken the control slider off and can see it has snapped near the end but I don't like the look of the other end under the bonnet!!! However I think after 5 years I should pay an expert to do a proper service and give it the once over. I have been told Gigglepin are worth a try but they are out in the sticks a bit for a towny like me!
However I think after 5 years I should pay an expert to do a proper service and give it the once over.

A service is filters, oils and a bit of grease, by all means get someone to give it the once over, but if you do the service yourself then the money you save will pay for anything that turns up during the 'once over';).
I wont claim to know a great deal, but a service is simple, and is do-able in a couple of hours for about £60ish;)

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