1.8 or KV6?
if yu ever need a new head gasket - dont forget to replace the rail at the same time. One without the other is a waste of time. The MLS gasket also has failures (albeit a lot less).
yu bin lucky then - tiz recommended by the rover guys.

Yep well aware of the issue, but then there are a lot of Rover boys who give advice and then get their man to change the timing belt.

If that is not nanny state enough, the Rover boys change their water pumps at the timing belt service...........crazy!
I take yo point - but its a matter of risk. If I am giving advice, I wud always recommend changing the rail at the same time - if you dont, then yu increase the risk of sequential HGF. You made that choice.

I wud rather do that then tell someone not to bother - then it goes HGF within a 1000 miles:rolleyes:

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