
New Member
Hello there, new to the forum and to land rovers (although I have loved them
From afar since I was a kid) I recently purchased a disco 2 in northern Ireland about 2 weeks ago, however it was one with air suspension and it was not long before I discovered why that suspension is hated. First it would go down when parked on a kerb some times it would go down when people got in the back, safe to say I was starting to worry but once the key was turned and the engine fired up it would right itself, however this was happening over the Xmas period and before I could get it back to the dealer I had to take a trip to England to sound new year with the in laws, drove from scotland to Corby car was fine, spent four days driving about the midlands sometimes it would go down on the suspension but most if the time it was fine, until today six in the morning car packed ready to rock and roll to catch the ferry the tell tail hiss happened and down it went, tried driving it a wee bit to give the suspension time to rise but it was not happening so half an hour later and few cross words with the girl friend we are back at the in
Laws with no hope of getting the ferry home. Sat in the in laws in a black mood waiting for a garage to open went out to limp to a garage low and behold the suspension rises, first bog standard garage shook their heads and said they didn't have a clue about discos but did know a Landy place in rockingham so of I went suspension sitting normally however having just missed the entrance to the Landy place I had to do A u turn which entailed mounting a steep curb and down the suspension went, and I limped into the Landy place with my tail Gate dragging. What a day I was having, however things were about to change. Rockingham landrovers was the company I visited and the welcome I got from a girl called Rachel was brilliant she talked through what the problem could be and the options I had one of which was getting rid of the air suspension she also offered to phone the dealer from which the disco came from And have a yarn with them.
She also got the disco hooked to the puter Thingy a bob to diagnose the problem which as it turned out was a knackerd air bag, the dealer phoned me and agreed that getting rid of the air suspension was the best thing however could we chip in towards the cost, sadly with Xmas just gone and a missed ferry to rebook and pay for we are safe to say skint, with a little reluctance which is only natural the dealer has agreed to cover the cost, they could do the conversion cheaper but with the Irish sea in the way and a long motörhead trip to
Liverpool this was not a option.
I would like to thank the dealership Robinson's 4x4 of hillsborough who have come through for me and covered the costs of converting to coils, and would also like to Thank rockingham landrovers who despite being extremely busy have taken the disco in and will have it ready tomorrow, both companies have been Brilliant and I can't thank them enough. My first foray into the land rover world could have been a complete disaster but thanks to daniel of Robinson's and Rachel of rockingham I am still a happy Landy owner.
:welcome2:Intresting that read as I came out to my D2 a couple of times to the back end sitting on the floor, think i'll get the mecanic at work to have a look just to make sure
:welcome2:Intresting that read as I came out to my D2 a couple of times to the back end sitting on the floor, think i'll get the mecanic at work to have a look just to make sure

Everybody I have spoken to has said get rid of the air suspension, was going to do it but was hoping to leave it a little while, also since the trouble started it kind of knocked my confidence in the car, with the springs in I won't constantly be worrying about it dropping. Hopefully get the car back tomorrow in time to catch my ferry back to Belfast.
Proberly should have taken the time to say more about myself but was just chuffed with the help I got.
Got the disco back today nice not to worry about deflating air bags. Quick question though not sure if it's al just a disco thing but when traveling at speed mostly on motorways when returning the steering wheel tonthe centre there is a wee kick from the steering wheel, is this normal?

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