
New Member
Hi to everyone on here - not much to say or ask as I've only had my RR for 72 hours and she did manage to break down on the way home! Flat battery and that stupid EAS getting its knickers in a twist.
Now trying to borrow a windows laptop of someone (we're a Mac house) so I can reset the f***ing EAS with the software and cable thoughtfully provided by the kind gentleman who GAVE me the car!

This is my second Landy - the first being a 6-year love affair with a Jan 86 ex-military soft-top Defender

I will however be a regular on here when the weather improves and I can get under the bonnet

Kind regards to all
Welcome to the forum, FREE is my favourite price :p. Can't help with your issues though I only do older defenders, discoverys and series. Electrical jiggery-pokery is witchcraft :D
Thanks Marmaduke.
I found a raft of information from fellow enthusiasts on here and and after the resurrection of an old windows laptop, the downloading of some free software of the internet, the utilisation of a 'special cable' thoughtfully provided by my vehicle donor and the invaluable assistance of my very pc-literate step-daughter we have triumphed over adversity and she is sitting in all the proper positions a RR should and NOT showing the awful EAS error on the dash!!

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