
New Member
Dear all,

Just finished registering as a new forum member.

Not entirely new to Landrovers, drove a 109 ambulance when serving and used to own a TD5 powerd 90 and a RRC with a 300tdi. Despite that decided to buy a 110 ex-MOD with a 200tdi Disco conversion.

Until now the 110 is giving me plenty of opportunity to get to know it in more depth. Each issue I solve seems to give me 2 new ones to lay my hand on.

Ideally the 110 will be fit for travel by April for some weekend tests, bigger plan is to make a road trip this summer as we did last year in a rented 110 td5.

Professionally I have zero training as a mechanic, all I do know is pure learning by doing. Lots of help found on internet fora. I do hope to fginish all issues on my 110 before I graduate as a all round mechanic.

Keep them rolling,

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