
New Member
Hi All,
As the subject states, I'm a complete Land Rover newbie. Or I should say, six months into ownership, I find the need to do some work on my new "pet", and hope to get some help with solving a few problems/questions. With time, hopefully I can contribute myself...
Ever since I have owned my car, it has suffered from engine knock. When retarding timing slightly, the knock dissapears, but the car becomes impossibly slow (never thought it could become even slower...).
Is the distibutor old and worn and impossible to set correctly or do I need to investigate other parts of the ignition? Coil is new, plugs are new, as are the ignition leads. At times there is also some slight misfiring going on... Many thanks!
Oh, thanks for pointing that out! I thought that was visible in the signature somehow... Anyhow the vehicle in question is a 1974 Series 3, 2,25 petrol, 88 inch.
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