
New Member
I have recently just bought a freelander (2005 model) . Ive never had one before. I have had it for just over a month and had nothing but problems with it, its been in the garage more than I've had it!! (luckily still in warranty until march) Firstly my fuel pump was making a hell of a noise, it had an empty tank when I bought it and they told me its because its low on fuel! So I gave it the benefit of the doubt and filled the tank up but the pump was still making a noise and my engine management light was coming on, also when driving was very sluggish when pulling away and when first changing gears then would all of a sudden get a surge of energy and take off! So I took it back and they apparently said they had clean all the fuel filters etc. and it is fine landrovers are known for noisy fuel pumps . . . So take the car back sure enough the next day my engine management light is on again. I took it back to the garage and the plugged it into the computer and it came up with boost control valve, so it was taken into the garage last week again to apparently have this problem fixed. I collected the car a week ago from getting fixed and my engine management light has been coming 3-4 times a day! So I payed for it myself to be took to a garage and put on a friends computer, sure enough the same thing came up as last time when I took it to the garage I bought it from boost control or boots valve. My friend also looked into it further and found these problems had came up on the computer too :

* Fuel sensor fault
* CAN bus fault- no message received from ECU
* CAN bus fault - Bus off
* CAN gear box data failure
* CAN signal gear information no CAN message (from instrument pack)
* Gear selection plausibility supply (too high)

Can anyone tell me if these are big jobs and what they mean? I basically think because I'm a woman who doesn't know what shes talking about when it comes to cars they are totally taking the ****! :mad:

Any information would be great thanks! :)****-if-you-already-have-76002.html

Read this. Seems they are just playing you. They will prob keep stalling for time untill march. Sorry you have had a rough time
Yep take it back ...people pay good money for a car to serve them not the other way round, full marks for investigating the problems but you shouldn't need to - these are problems that have been dumped onto you - don't accept it ;)
Definitely, they are taking the **** and you want to get rid of it.....either that or take them down the whole trading standards route etc etc and give them another chance to FIX IT or its coming back to them for good. Sorry to hear about all your problems and even if you like the car despite all your hassle....dont worry, you will find a far better one.
Yeah thanks for the advice :) I'm taking it back to the garage I bought it from tomorrow and going to tell them they either fix it properly or they can stick it up there arse! :rolleyes:
If you end up keeping it then you need to get the codes cleared and see if they go, or re-appear later on. I assume it's an auto gearbox?

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