
New Member
Hi, I have just bought a 2001 Freelander Hardback ES and I think it is a good one, having spent a whilse searching. It is the TD4 auto model which I have heard is a solid bet but I wondered if anyone has any special tips or key things that I should watch out for?

I only pick it up tomorrow and its my first ever Land Rover so I really am green to all this, input welcome.
Treat it like any other car really, regular oil and filter changes.

Get VCU checked for seizing though and think about bypassing yr EGR ;)
Any service history?
Are you tackling your own maintainance?

It's an awesome engine and deserves the best oil and filter.

Absolutely vital that the 'engine breather' (real name- crankcase depression limiting valve) is checked and renewed if clogged.

Consider bypassing the EGR valve for increased performance, smoothness and better MPG.

If you're doing that also clean out the inlet manifold.

Check the condition of the two drive belts and replace if there is any sign of serious cracking/shredding.

It's a very good auto gearbox but gives trouble if the transmission fluid is not changed at the recommended interval (I believe 60,000mls).

Spend a couple of hours reading these threads for info.

Good luck.D..

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