S3 88

New Member
Hello ladies-gents

Ive been lurking around the forum latley looking through very useful topics which have helped me alot lately.

Ok i own a series 3 88 1983 2 1/4 petrol.

It seems to have delovped a problem with the tempature and fuel gauge.

Both when travelling along shot sky high showing im over heating and having a full tank of fuel.Hard to belive when i only put a tenner of fuel in it..

Any help would be greatly full appreciated..

Thanks Gavin
Welcome to the forum S3 88.
Check the earths on the vehicle first, my mate has just bought a series 2a project and half the electrics didn't work until I changed all the earths.
Agreed, stuff like that is almost always a bad earth!

Best cure? Abrasive's & Vaseline..................ouch!

Lektriks, dontcha just love 'em!
Cheers for the replys guys much appreciated.

I will have a look and see whats happening behind the dash.

Thanks Again
