
New Member
Hi all bought my 90 csw without seeing it first! Delivered 10pm tonight a few questions please. speedo flickers below 40 after 40 steady any ideas. Also slight crunch from first to second, could it be oil as have no history. Finally any way of fixing a sunrrof wich has been sealed shut.

Speedo wobble - they do, mechanical speedo, you'll get used to it.
Crunch - check gearbox oil SOON, these have weak synchro. Look around on here for that.
Sunroof - remove the sealant and itll leak for ever more. Probably easier to fit a new roof, as far as i know.
Speedo cable can wobble for two reasons, one is the inner part fo the cable is possily a little bit burred and sticking to the outter part if you take the dash panel off you can get the speedo end of the cable and feed a little light oil down it, it may make the problem slightly better. the other is the speedo drive in the box is worn and will require replacing, not a massive job to do and if you were doing that you would be as well to replace both the cable and the drive, or like the rest of us just put up with it.
The gearbox grind from 1st to 2nd, replace yer gearbox oil asap, i had this problem and when i dained the oil it was like caramel, replaced with MT75 and its sweet as now
I have got a 90 csw with a sunroof,I would just reseal your sunroof back up with silicone sealant.
You will probably find more leaks coming in from the sides and underneath to give you a real welcome to your Land Rover.
These are great cars, get ready to spend money, good luck.
thanks for your replies. Had a disco up to now but will have to spend money on this truck as my daughter chose it off of fleabay (she is young) checked it over with a garage today, chassis, bulkhead x member solid, but has had a engine fire and all the hoses are shot any suggestions for a heater hose I cant seem to locate one on the main parts advertisers

thanks again for you help
.......... my daughter chose it off of fleabay (she is young)

she may well be young but she obviously has very good taste :)

you'd be best orf downloading one of the parts manuals and finding the part number for the bits your after, and then going shopping for them - craddocks site lets you plug in the part number directly
speedo is not a flicker must be the fastest landy going as 0 -40 and back in less than 1/10 second I think its knackered.

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