
New Member
I am new to the forum and new to Landrover owning having hankered after one for years, I finally bought a 2003 TD5 GS in July. Since then I have had the Three Amigos turn up twice, both time faulty ABS sensors which were replaced by my friendly garage and codes cleared. The Three Amigos have now returned for a third time, first couple of times I was happy to pay to have them sorted out but now I am considering buying a Hawkeye or Nanocom as seems like a money saver in the long run. Especially as I am reasonably handy with a spanner and can (hopefully!) turn my hand to most repairs.

So I wonder if anyone has a particular view on which diagnostic tool is better (Nanocom or Hawkeye) and if anyone in the Winchester area has one that they would be willing to give me a demo on, possibly in exchange for a pint!?


Can't help with the demo unless you want to drive but from what I read the Nanocom reportedly has more 'features' than the Hawkeye.

I have the Hawkeye unit (picked it up off fleabay for £150) but I use it very infrequently and principally for reading codes (I object to paying £30 to get some codes read). The Hawkeye can do some programming and calibration, not suspension height oddly enough, although it can adjust the suspension you can't save the settings (this is a bit of a weakness since replacing the rear height sensors is a very simple job otherwise). I am told by Bearmach that this will be 'fixed' in version 6 of the software (due middle of next year). I'm just guessing here but I think you would be using it as I do simply to find out what needs sorting in which case the Hawkeye will do the job.

There are some aspects such as additional cables needed for accessing certain modules that are a pain in the ass but I don't have any of them and so far haven't needed them.

The cost to unlock different vehicles is extortionate.

I think that I'd probably go for a Nanocom Evo next time but I'd do a bit more research first. The interfaces to the landrover are pretty expensive and of low quality compared to the offerings available for other cars. I use VAG-COM on our VW and it was 25% the cost of any Landrover interface and is significantly more capable without extra cables or crap and there is no 'unlocking' or tying to specific vehicles. Landrover tools are basically rip off central.

Welcome to Landrover ownership and the forum.

Advice to follow : DO NOT cheat on maintenance, check cables, pipes and hoses frequently, DO NOT buy the cheapest nastiest oils you can, DO NOT buy the cheapest nastiest parts you can sometimes Landrover original are the only parts to fit - and I'd class your ABS sensors amongst those items - trust me it is cheaper in the long run. Other than that stick around here and don't be afraid to ask (or use the search feature)
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