New Member
Hello chaps and chapesses,

I'm new to the world of Land Rovers and Landyzone, and I need some advice. I bought a Series III in the summer. Its had a few teething problems, but nothing major, until now.

Its just had a major service. I took it out for a good run on proper roads, but the morning after the battery was dead. I recharged the battery using a trickle charger, took it out on Monday (commuting to work), but on Tuesday there was no power. I checked the battery, its still fully charged. Any advice on the problem and solution would be much appreciated, I want to get my Bertha back up and running!

If I was you, I would check the vehicles earth strap hasn't corroded through. Also when fitting the battery connectors to the terminals, give the terminals a light sand with some emery papper and also the connectors.

The earth strap will probably be a braided strap from the engine to the body somewhere. These can corode and are cheap to replace.

Good luck. :)

Thanks for that. I worried that it may be the alternator, which of course means poor Bertha will have to go back to the garage.

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