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As only having one ignition key for my freelander td4 2001 plate I thought I'd buy a spare from 'cobblers' in Plymouth - (advised by 4x4 shop in Exeter)

Cobblers and key cutting - Plymouth | Cobblers and Keys Ltd

Heck of a lot cheaper than going straight to Land Rover.

Pretty straight forward and the machine in the cobblers shop had no problem reading the chip in the original ignition key - wrote to a new chip for the spare key - the programmed chip was placed in the new key fob head in exactly the same place as the original key.

However the new key wouldn't start the TD4 - it turned in the ignition barrell but no turn over??

Placed the original key well away from the new key - still nothing.

Tried the original key straight after turned over ok.

Went back and forth to the cobblers shop and explained and they were miffed as they hadn't had any problems before - even cut me another second key (as they thought there was a problem with the 1st key they cut) and told me to hold the new chip on top of the key and turn in the barrell - still nothing!!

The chip program machine read the code from the original key and displayed it on the machine screen - the lads in the shop passed on the details to their rep for any info.

Anyone else had problems with having a spare key cut not working at a high street cobblers??

Don't fancy paying land rovers prices - or the procedure for getting one cut - driving licence, gas bills, passports, v5 docs, etc


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