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Bought a new TRW servo and it's just arrived. I took it out the box to find something is moving around inside and causing it to clang like a bell.
I've messaged LRDirect to enquire about returning it. Pretty sure there's nothing much in them but the spring and the diaphragm?
Surely something moving about can't be right? :confused:
I feel for you, and it agree it needs to go .. either back to them or in the bin :D .. either way, it sounds kaput..

Not something daft like a loose fixing inside it?
I feel for you, and it agree it needs to go .. either back to them or in the bin :D .. either way, it sounds kaput..

Not something daft like a loose fixing inside it?
No idea. Can't imagine there's much to come loose. I can't see anything moving through the big hole that the master cylinder bolts in to, so it must be the other side of the diaphragm. I've taken the temporary plug out of the non return valve hole, but nothing appears at the hole when I rotate the servo - it just clangs as something moves :rolleyes: It's bloody annoying. I should have bought a Britpart one for a quarter of the price :rolleyes:
LRDirect have emailed me back and, having watched and listened to the video, have offered a refund or a replacement. I've asked them to send a replacement. They said to scrap the first one. Well done LR Direct
LRDirect have emailed me back and, having watched and listened to the video, have offered a refund or a replacement. I've asked them to send a replacement. They said to scrap the first one. Well done LR Direct

I would cut it open out of sheer curiosity to see what has failed
Ooooh… waiting with interest to see what has “escaped” :)

and, good on LR direct too :).
The results are in!
I could see nothing with the USB boroscope :rolleyes:

So, I took the rubber vac tube grommet out to give me a bigger hole to see inside. Rolled the servo around to see if anything fell in front of the hole - Nothing! But plenty of clanging :confused:
Put finger in the hole for a feel about and discovered a flat, plate ring inside. It surrounds the master cylinder hole, but is shaped to fit the profile of the servo where it curves down to the wider diameter section. The ring is located on the two studs that come out of the servo. It's loose by about 5mm, so clonking back and forth on those studs

Fortunately, I'm no Rolf Harris, but can you get the picture o_O
Maybe it's supposed to be reinforcing the pressed housing of the servo where the master cylinder bolts on?

The servo clang!
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An interesting day!
New servo arrived this morning. Rattled and clanged like the first one :confused: Emailed LR Direct straight away to say it seemed very strange that I've got two that rattle. Were the suppliers really sure there was an issue with it when they listened to the video I sent? I also sent them my skilled artist's impression of the clanking plate and my theory that it was a loose reinforcement plate. I also asked if the supplier might be able to check a few more out and maybe compare a non TRW one.
LR Direct were very apologetic and said they would get straight on to the suppliers.
It didn't take long for them to reply and forwarded an email from the supplier, who had opened a few and they all clanked. They'd then tightened some nuts on to the studs and the clank stopped :eek: so it is a reinforcement plate that somehow tightens up when you tighten the master cylinder on. Those studs seem solid, so how they move I don't know.
I asked how to send one of the servos back and apologised for not realising it was meant to be that way. They replied saying there was no need to apologise and that the supplier did not want the servo back so I could keep it :eek::eek: I replied saying I didn't feel comfortable with that and I offered to contribute to the postage. They thanked me for that, but said no and to keep it :rolleyes: I'm not comfortable with that, so I'm going to offer it on LZ or put it on ebay and then give the money to the red squirrel conservation group I belong to, so we can buy a couple of trail cameras or some more traps.
If anyone reading this thread is interested feel free to PM me. It's a TRW servo part number LR013488G It cost £190.21 and came with a 2 year warranty, but you don't get that off me :rolleyes: I'd be really happy with £100 for the squirrel group. Just over half price doesn't seem to bad to me. I haven't investigated postage yet, so I might have to add something depending on how much the postage works out at.

Top marks to LR Direct and their customer service guy, Nathan, who has been extremely helpful and supportive throughout.
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