
New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am considering getting a 2013 (or thereabouts) Range Rover or Range Rover Sport. We need to up-size from a 5 series and I have always liked the Range Rovers, So help me persuade my wife. Is it as gigantic as everyone says; does it really cost a bomb to run (spares and fuel) - if you do say 8 to10k miles pa; how reliable is it? Also, she is only about 5ft 4". Just how tiny will she feel? The only viable alternative is an X5 which I believe is about as big as the Sport.

Thanks for all your thoughts and contributions.


Shrinks as soon as you drive it, a very comfortable drive, you will constantly smile while driving, she will take on a completely new persona in passenger seat ! Good luck,
Thanks Freelance,

The slight wrinkle is that it will be her car so it's a case of getting her into the car to drive it.;-)
Have a read through the range rover section for idea's of typical faults. It's a complex car but yer can buy yer own diagnostic for it. Independent specialists will be cheaper to help service and maintain. But yer buying an eggspensive complex car. Yer can't do that on a shoe string. Do yerself a favour...

And buy a late Freelander 2 with top spec. Cheaper to buy and maintain, with betterer reliability. Pocket range rover at a fraction of the cost.

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