
New Member
Hi all,

I'm the proud new owner of a 1979 series 3 county 2.25l petrol which is undergoing a full rebuild in Norfolk. I'll introduce myself property once I have some photos of it.

The car was registered green, but has since been repainted. I would like to get it resprayed back to the original Deep Bronze Green, but before I hand it over to a coachworks, I would like to know what I'm talking about!

Does anyone have experience of having their series stripped and sprayed? If I'm repeating a common question please point me in the right direction, but I can't seem to find anything helpful online.

There are a few companies who advertise a Deep Bronze Green (paintman, Paddocks etc) - are these all the same paint or do they differ? Are there different types of pain or are they all standard 1 pack? Is there anything to watch out for?

It will have a new bulkhead and new doors, so lots of new metal to deal with!

If it's as simple as ordering the paint from Paddocks and sending it to the coachworks that's great, but I fear it may be more complicated!

Thanks in advance - Jamie
There is nothing wrong with the paddocks paint. I used it to paint both of mine. However the roof of the 110 was painted with a synthetic enamel I had mixed by a local specialist having taken the tin of red to show the paint I needed and the colour code for the shade of white. They said they didn’t have the same enamel but had a better grade one. Even with the better paint it worked out cheaper than paddocks. The better paint was also significantly better in terms of coverage and easy of application (roller) somit would be worth speaking to a couple of differant suppliers and seeing what they can offer once you have the colour code.
Repainted mine in original two pack paint, Bronze Green. My personal experience of the synthetic enamel is that it chalks easily and needs periodic polishing. The two pack is harder and more durable. Obviously, the colour is technically the same whichever you choose.
just did mine in extra dark admiralty grey cellulose. paint was about £120 for 10 litres from an outfit in Liverpool about £30 for high gloss thinners (10l) and a tenner for 5 litres of standard thinner for cleaning guns etc.

I was surprised how much thinner it took to clean everything so it is best to paint as much in one go as you can.

and don't get me ranting about masking :D

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