
New Member
We spent some years in the Gulf where I had fully kitted out a Jeep Wrangler (aka "Stoffel") for the desert and mountains... Spent a year learning to drive on sand and then took every opportunity to be in the desert or up in the mountains on Oman, Mussendam or the UAE etc. Fantastic place... Best mate was in a D2 (aka "Bosco") and other friends had Camel LRs (seemed appropriate). We did a lot of camping and exploring, 95% off-road...

On return to UK (Kent) a couple of years ago, Stoffel went to a new home (we have visiting rights) and a mate here who lives and breathes Series LRs eventually turned me to the Dark Side and I bought a Landy - I couldn't bring myself to get a Series, so got a '93 200Tdi Defender (aka "ibn Stoffel") in need of some TLC... Did have a D2 many years ago but it was a Friday car and a bit of a disaster...

I love the 90, but it's like being in the stone age ....
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Hi and welcome!

A 200Tdi Defender is luxury compared to earlier models with power steering and coil springs. But a great choice of Landy too. Not that I am biased!
Welcome to the forum

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