
New Member
Hiya! I'm Ash and my wife and I have just bought a 1994 Discovery 300Tdi with all the usual problems. I am an experienced motor DIYer (having built my own kit cars before and kept classic saloons running) but the sheer size and 'heavy engineering' feel of the Landy is b***dy daunting!
Welcome - Don't be worried matey Landies upto and including your 300 tdi are as user friendly and owner servicable as you could want. They're like big mechano set for big kids. and unless the tools you have are of poor quality you shouldn't struggle or want for much that you wont already have. I think the only big tool i've needed so far is the hub nut spanner which is about a fiver. Anyways all the best.
Hi and welcome. Great thing about heavy engineering is you get to wield a bigger hammer!! :D :D

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