
New Member
Hi to all members.i have not been a member for long and just wanted to say i have enjoyed looking round the site,some very good info to be found.i wanted to post some discovery alloys i have for sale but am unabel to,could anybody help with this.Many Thanks from muddydog1.:bounce:

Post 50 useful posts to help other noobies out and we mite let yu sell your wheels.

Do you know dartmoor - he sells chopped meat products as well?
Thanks for the reply.sorry but that did'nt sound as if that was much of a welcome to a new member that just wants to be part of a community that has the same interests.sorry if that sounded a bit blunt coz a hello and welcome would have been a nice start for a new member or is this one of those clicky clicky sites?
Thanks for the reply.sorry but that did'nt sound as if that was much of a welcome to a new member that just wants to be part of a community that has the same interests.sorry if that sounded a bit blunt coz a hello and welcome would have been a nice start for a new member or is this one of those clicky clicky sites?


stroppy newbie cos he cant come on and sell his stuff, that makes a change...

oh and welcome...
Thanks for the reply.sorry but that did'nt sound as if that was much of a welcome to a new member that just wants to be part of a community that has the same interests.sorry if that sounded a bit blunt coz a hello and welcome would have been a nice start for a new member or is this one of those clicky clicky sites?

And this our new friend was the post that broke the camels back. You can't expect to join a site and sell stuff straight away, fair play.

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