
New Member
Hi Everyone with knowledge to share.

Live in Northumberland, and own a 1987 110 V8 with LPG. Bought a MOT chassis failure 1998 Disco one, aiming to convert to the 300TDi. I've bought the engine mounts off MD Engineering.
Need to know more about this conversion, members experiences, parts that they used.
Why you ask? LPG is hard to come by now, and just like electric car chargers I experience the same problems. Therefore need to move to diesel 300DTi asap.

I would keep the V8, but thats me;).

Loads of help and guidance available on here, have a trawl around other threads sure all the answers are available, if not ask in the right section.


Oh and if you join in and be a somewhat active member you could sell the Tat you take out or don't need:) (don't fall foul of rules).

Shame about the LPG situation in the UK though:(.

Hi and welcome!

You could sell the 110 and buy a Tdi model. V8’s sell well in the states.

Don’t forget some pics too.
'Oh no, not another diesel conversion :(

The V8 110 & it's predecessor the Stage One 109 are rare breeds now, sought after & in like for like condition command much higher prices than the universal diesel variety.

If you do commit this act of vandalism (IMO) please ensure the V8 goes on the market

nb. LPG was something of a fad in period & there are far fewer outlets selling it today. The always limited demand for the stuff, which incidentally never did the RV8 any favours in the long term, has declined to the point where the profit margins don't justify the cost of installing/maintaining the forecourt facilities.
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