Farmer Bill2

New Member
Hi everyone hope you're all having a great Christmas. I was just wondering if anyone had ever retrofitted a 200/300 tdi engine or any other to a discovery 3 and what the cost would be? I'd be grateful for any thoughts/ advice.
Hi everyone hope you're all having a great Christmas. I was just wondering if anyone had ever retrofitted a 200/300 tdi engine or any other to a discovery 3 and what the cost would be? I'd be grateful for any thoughts/ advice.
Engine from s type Jag is cheapest option whole car can be got for 1 to 2k but still have a engine that could break the same some time down the road
Cranks are common issue for them. Spoils the Disco experience for lot of people. 300tdi swap does sound mad even by my standards, but there should be room for whole host of options.

Welcome to LandyZone
Cheers1988smithy for the info. Do you have an idea what the cost of a transplant would likely be?
Doing it yourself it'd cost about 1500 for the 3.6, you might want to renew head gaskets and turbos before fitting so thats another 1500-3000 depending what quality you want parts wise. Then its just time and sorting electrical stuff

Paying someone to do it all? A vast sum of money. You'd have to really love it. Easily over 10 grand

Body would come off so might as well refurb chassis and suspension while you're in there.

While you're in there
While you're in there
While you're in there....

Thats what would scupper me 😅

You're prob financially better off scrapping it and just buy another if you still want/need one
Hi and welcome
Diesel emissions seem to be based on a sticker under the bonnet, defaulting to a generic number based on year if the sticker is unreadable
Not sure how a d3 would cope without all the sensors giving data from the engine

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