
Hi everyone. I'm a new member who has been watching the Defender Source forum for a few years.
I am an avid enthusiast and while I have been off road, I would like to do so in a more serious manner.
My first Lady was a '66 109 five door purchased in 2004 with 12,000 miles as an Austrian fire tender vehicle. I owned it for 10 years and wish I had it back.
Then in 2005 bought a '97 NAS D90 ST and still have it.
2015 added a bespoke 110 csw from Arknoik.
In late 2016 we added a new RR TD6 and '16 LR4.
The 110 is currently receiving a 200/300 tdi conversion after the rebuilt 19J failed after 7300 miles.
I now have my sites back on a series 88 or perhaps series 1.
Can someone tell me if I wanted to add a Capstan Winch to a series truck, is this something that is possible to obtain?
Welcome to Loonyzone :)

Yep capstans still turn up but they're increasingly scarce and expensive. Complete they're going for £1000-£1500
Thanks so much. Let's get the cart first and then go for the horse. I plan to look at a series 1 on Friday, if its a go, then I will be in the market for. winch. Any suggestions as to how to find one?
Thanks so much. Let's get the cart first and then go for the horse. I plan to look at a series 1 on Friday, if its a go, then I will be in the market for. winch. Any suggestions as to how to find one?

The usual, scouring the likes of fleabay/ hoping someone here can be persuaded from here to part with the annoying lump they've been tripping over for the last 25 years.

Be aware that if you buy an incomplete one parts are very expensive.
Thanks so much for your information. I have had a search on flea bay for a while, but perhaps I should have an automatic search on Ebay UK.
All best

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