
New Member
Hi all. Just joined up, so thought I'd say a few words by way of introduction. Having owned/driven Land Rovers on and off for the larger part of my existence, I decided to splash out in the back-end of 2019 on a 2016L Vogue. Just in time for the global lockdown! As things are now apparently returning to normal, I thought I'd join a like minded community to compare notes etc. There's still a lot of Ireland Ireland I've not seen, and I still have family back in the UK. So the silver lining of low miles (or rather KMs), on the clock is about to evaporate. DIY motoring is a thing of the past for me, but I'm still interested in the whys and wherefores. So I'm looking forward to some interesting, well-informed discussion.
Many thanks RobbyJim
Welcome to landyzone regular users of slippery floors for lazy walkers.


Welcome to the farm

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