D2 Com

Hi all! I'm a new member and thought it best stick my head through the door here first (wherever here is). Crikey, not easy for newbies to find how to post their first message is it? :confused: It is? :doh: Oh alright then! :D

Right I have a question for you lot...nah, I'll leave that for that later.

My name is Jay and I live in Dorset with my partner Jo, 2 cats, 1 mutt, 2 rabbits a Triumph Sprint and a Moto Guzzi chop.

Cheers DG!
:D may I be the first to take the **** then :D

Unless of course you want to give me your Guzzi as a bribe to keep my mouth shut ;)

:welcome2: to the asylum, fasten your seatbelts; it can be a bumpy ride! :D
Hi all! I'm a new member and thought it best stick my head through the door here first (wherever here is). Crikey, not easy for newbies to find how to post their first message is it? :confused: It is? :doh: Oh alright then! :D

Right I have a question for you lot...nah, I'll leave that for that later.

My name is Jay and I live in Dorset with my partner Jo, 2 cats, 1 mutt, 2 rabbits a Triumph Sprint and a Moto Guzzi chop.

Cheers DG!

so where are you in dorset ? i'm up in the east in cranborne
:D may I be the first to take the **** then :D

Unless of course you want to give me your Guzzi as a bribe to keep my mouth shut ;)

:welcome2: to the asylum, fasten your seatbelts; it can be a bumpy ride! :D

No you're alright DG, I'll settle for the **** take cheers.:D
ffs its not that hard to post on here

It's not that hard to drive a car either or ride a bike...when you know how.
I guess I'm just a bit contemptuous on a bike through familiarity.

I'll take that as your greeting then. :D
It's not that hard to drive a car either or ride a bike...when you know how.
I guess I'm just a bit contemptuous on a bike through familiarity.

I'll take that as your greeting then. :D

Wait till you see his hair style? you'll see why he's a miserable fooker:D Welcome to the loony zone anyway.. :D :D
Wait till you see his hair style? you'll see why he's a miserable fooker:D Welcome to the loony zone anyway.. :D :D

Is it like this???


  • Connor Crying.JPG
    Connor Crying.JPG
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Come on they all live in one house in Dorset! ;)

Welcome to the loonyzone we throw stones in here, my self I have at least 9 I wanna give away so either duck or catch the buggers! :D

Hmmm, I'm beginning to think there is no such thing as a forum/message board where stones aren't thrown from time to time. Me? I live in a glass house! :D

Thanks for the welcome.
Hmmm, I'm beginning to think there is no such thing as a forum/message board where stones aren't thrown from time to time.

What a load of bollox. We don't throw stones here. We just spit our dummies out.:p


Welcome to landyzone mate.:)
i aint throwin stones or dummy spittin i'm cookin a roast ,watchin battle of the bulge and trying to watch LZ
No you're alright DG, I'll settle for the **** take cheers.:D

Arse!! I've always fancied a Guzzler an a chop'd be ideal; me bein' a shortarse n all that.....

Right, I'll just tell everyone you PM'd me for nooby-instructions then!! :p

(Did I come across as the 'helpful auntie' type??? :confused: - I must be slipping!!!)
What a load of bollox. We don't throw stones here. We just spit our dummies out.:p


Welcome to landyzone mate.:)

Cheers bud! Great I have a whole load of dummies that are well over due a damn good re-commissioning. :D

Ps: What's your Spiders name, or is it an Ant?

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