
New Member
hi all, im thinking of buying a rangie as my next tow car and as i care about the the ozone layer i would prefer to have a petrol engined car that has been lpg converted, so can anyone out there advise me as to which is the best and most reliable engine for conversion also as i haven't owned a rangie before, what to look out for when buying one. I'm thinking of spending up to £10k for one thats already gassed or £8k without gas all advice welcome, thanks in advance.....Phil
As long as the LPG system is certificated or installed by an LPGA installer then you'll have no insurance/safety worries. That sort of budget gets you an OK P38, 4 litre or maybe a 4.6 - I wouldn't be too worried about which engine/spec as long as it's in good condition and been lovingly cared for. I've no idea which engine is best suited to conversion.

Or you could have an early Discovery 2 4.0V8.

Or you could have a late model Discovery 1 in tip-top nick and add LPG to it. I think that the LPG conversion is cheaper on the 3.9 compared to the 4.0?

And since when did diesel emissions have anything to do with the ozone layer?:D
I dont get what all this fuss is about the ozone layer.

Everyone knows theres a big hole in the middle of it, and all those nasty gasses just drift straight on through..............
first of all i'd better explain i've already drive a gas converted e class so i already know about gas conversions,the o zone i was talking about is the £0-zone in my wallet, i merely want advice on which is the better engine for conversion the 4.0 or the 4.6, sorry for any confusion.....Phil
it also appears i've put this thread in the wrong place.....DOH !!!, can anyone advise how to move it please
well i for one am sick to the back teeth of newbies coming on here and posting threads wherever they feel like it. the forum has categories to stop this happning but, oh no, along comes another newbie and posts where he likes wirthout a bye or leave. its about time we put a stop to all of this casual attitude of posting wherever you like and i really think we need to introduce a initiation process for all newbies.;)

only kidding, welcome mate ;)
montyv6 said:
first of all i'd better explain i've already drive a gas converted e class so i already know about gas conversions,
i've flew on a plane once does that make me an aircraft technician??
yella disco said:
well i for one am sick to the back teeth of newbies coming on here and posting threads wherever they feel like it. the forum has categories to stop this happning but, oh no, along comes another newbie and posts where he likes wirthout a bye or leave. its about time we put a stop to all of this casual attitude of posting wherever you like and i really think we need to introduce a initiation process for all newbies.;)
i agree with old yella johnston, we should have a seies of questions like, "what sparkplugs are best for my 1988 V7 2.6litre diesel series 2A landy?" and a simple spelling test of words like deeesil and sereis.
yella disco said:
well i bet on horses so does that make me a jockey ;)
come on there has to be some limit!! next you'll be saying that just cos someone has a gaylander, that makes them a hairdresser
yella disco said:
deisel has got to be the worst, its d-i-e-s-e-l for ****s sake
i often wonder how they manage to fill-up. do they have a yellow band on their wrist that they match up with the colour of the pump? or do they just ask the attendant. maybe they cruise around looking for a station that fills up for you?
yella disco said:
i really think we need to introduce a initiation process for all newbies.;)

I tried this on a forum i run/ran.

All the male members had to submit a joke, just a simple joke to amuse everyone.

All the female members had to submit topless pics.

The idea never took off, least not from the women.
Never found out why.

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