
New Member
Hi everyone,

just wanted to introduce myself & say hi.

Also, just wanted to bring up the age old issue of leaky sunroofs on the disco 1's. I've read loads of different solutions, watched some youtube videos. Some range from trying to clear out the sunroof drains to removing the sunroofs all together and welding sheet steel into the voids. I've also heard of people who have used silicone sealant.

All of this got me thinking and I came up with the idea of just using vinyl wrap over the roof. I'll put some pictures on at some point but my effort is pretty poor, but its water proof..! I have done it as a temporary measure and have only put about a square meter of vinyl wrap over each sunroof. It would look much better if you took the time and effort to cover the entire roof and to use a heat gun to contour it properly. But fingers crossed it will keep my disco dry for a while.

Just wanted to share that idea as I haven't heard of anyone use it for this before... Cheap (£15 off eBay) and hopefully effective....

Time will tell and I will keep you all informed...
Hi and welcome along. I like the idea of vinyl wrap.. :)

Worth checking your A and C posts for corrosion - mainly the bottom of A, and top of C. Ask me how I know :rolleyes:
Cheers for that. yeah she's been stood for a couple of years so was very damp. just needed a quick fix for now. possibly do a 'proper' fix spring/summer.

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