
Well-Known Member
decided as my NY resolution to use the landy alot more on green lanes rather than p&p so decided to join GLASS finally, so may see some of you out this year :D
good to here we have new supporters. The more the merrier. :D
decided as my NY resolution to use the landy alot more on green lanes rather than p&p so decided to join GLASS finally, so may see some of you out this year :D
Good on you, mate, just renewed mine:)
They certainly need all the support and money that they can get!
OK, just waiting for my membership to get authorised then I to shall be a member. I'm already feeling the lurve :lvfrench-kiss-012:

Good man ...:D OOPS! sorry Ginge , didn't realise you'd already said it ...:doh:
it'll teach me to go to the last page first and resume the normal LZ tradition of doing things arse about face wont it!:D
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Good man ...:D OOPS! sorry Ginge , didn't realise you'd already said it ...:doh:
it'll teach me to go to the last page first and resume the normal LZ tradition of doing things arse about face wont it!:D

Your forgiven mrs ;) :D

Well i got all my GLASS members pack yesterday.

good man herself annorl.

If only we could get more to join up and promote the code of conduct to educate the bad drivers out there.
I tried to join about 2 years ago and got denied.

Was it me, or has their policy changed?

Got the impression it was very cliquey...

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