
New Member
Hello fellas... a quick Q for you all. My freelander TD4 has developed an annoying metallic rattle (another one, others have been sorted) from the engine bay, happens when revving the engine (even when in neutral), its been getting worse the last few days.

Now, i sorted the other rattles i had out. So, my idea is it might be the disintegrating bearings on my AUX belt tensioner... can i chcek this in any way? (dont have tool for removing belt) There was a squeaking i had from there for a while...that stoppde abruptly...then a while later this rattle.

Can't really afford another major shell out at the moment.
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Internittent squeeking and sqealing suddenly stops and rattling starts - sounds like a dry bearing giving up!
Either a waterpump, alternator or idler to be looking at methinks.
Less likely steering pump or air con pulley/pump.
Find it quick whatever it is as a belt failure gets expensive very suddenly!
thanks chaps - was hoping it would be simpler, since i remember a service person telling me i had a slightly dodgy belt tensioner....but from your suggestions i guess it'll be another biggie.

Any simple ways i can find out what it is? Had the splash shield off and crank pulley seems ok.

Also, no heat shield on TD4 as far as i can that won't be it.

All i would say, is i had on and of squeaking, then about two months no sound, then this rattle.


edit -- should also mention the car is running great, can't find anything to fault apart from the noise
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Basically, i really would like to find a way to diagnose the problem as precisely as possible, so i can decide on a course of action - need to find a way to tell what's failing.

Also, had a look in rave - seems that to do the idler / alternator its a hydramout off job - is it tricky? (not no winch.... :mad:)
Try spraying some WD40 on any bearings /shafts etc but do it one at a time and see if it quietens down after doing so. This might just point you in the right direction without spending bugger all on diagnostic costs. Although you will still have the cost of the part to look forward to :eek:
thanks, will give that a go - really hope it's the idler since i was looking around and seems the Alternator / Waterpump are not cheap :)

So finally got a chance to take the splash shield of and have a better look + take some pics.

So, it seems the belt across the tensioner seems a little loose to me, plus the crankpulley also seems a little..out of shape - any tips on what next chaps? See any other obvious faults? Cant really confirm what exactly is rattling.

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
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So, it seems the belt across the tensioner seems a little loose to me, plus the crankpulley also seems a little..out of shape

Me thinks these need putting right first before you can continue to diagnose. If the pulley is not running flat then that in its self would cause a rattle.
That belt looks to loose if it lifts away like that - the tensioner keeps it real tight.

and, go back and read the link about the Crank Pully

If it were me, I'd have both replaced - it's a tricky job so get a good indie to do it
You could identify if the crankshaft pulley has debonded by the degree of polishing on its face, Follow Mark2's link to see pictures. On a good pulley the polishing extends for approx 5mm whereas a debonded one would show 10mm. The excess movement also wears the parts and spreads reddish-brown dust over the front of the engine.
Thanks for all the info - got it booked in at an independant who also looked at the photos.

Question, will this be ok to drive over to him? It's 40km there and getting low-loaded over there is rather expensive.

The rattle is pretty bad, loud, but everything is still working - what could happen on teh way if something went? TD4 has a chain for timing, so i guess no major engine damage - it could overheat though right? if the belt snapped.
ok, good to know roughly what im in for :) thanks.

So regarding the 40km to the indie garage - can i drive it? what are the risks?

The indie wants to see it asap so it can order needed parts, so thought i would try to drive there tomorrow early morning before the case anything happens on the way.

Or is it just plain stooopid to try and drive it there and shall i shell out what they want to transport it there on a low loader? (very very expensive here)
If you are in London, why do you keep saying Kilometres?

I am of an age where I have no concept of a Km in my mind, but I can look across open country and know how far a mile is - or even how much land is an acre - but I'm fecked if I know how much land is a Hectare :D

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