
Sorry for the short (ish) post, i'd written a post and lost it when I hit submit!

Just picked up a 50th Anniversary Disco 1 V8 with Romano LPG Kit, she's not without issues, and i'd be interested in thoughts. I've done some reading the issues obviously. I paid £1800 and she's got 143k on the clock and a whole stack of paperwork.

Issues so far:

1) Loud Clunk from Gear/Transfer Box when engaging reverse - Apparently this is normal.

2) Low coolant temp - On the 100 mile home (mainly running on gas), I noticed the coolant temp running below half way. It did drop but then came back up (still below half) during the journey. Is this normal for LPG?

3) Leaking windscreen and wet carpet drivers side - The top of the windscreen leaks (headliner is very wet) and the driver's footwell carpet is also wet. The weather was terrible today, but wondered if this was a known issue and how to fix.

4) Stall on LPG Switchover - When switching to LPG at idle the engine dies (same switching back). Revs to hunt a bit on Petrol when cold and drop to about 750 rpm on LPG. If I rev it and switch its fine.

5) LPG Gauge - I cant fathom the LPG gauge. Its a romano system with a row of LEDs (one amber on the left and 5 green). When on petrol there is one Red LED. When you press the single button you get the amber and some greens. The seller told me there was £20 in there and all the LEDs were on. As I had a 100 miles home, I topped up another £20 at the services (about 30 miles in). When I pulled off the LEDs had changed to Amber and 2 Greens. Once id got home, all the greens were on. Could it be that the pressure had equalised in the tanks (2 x 36 litre under tanks) or that the gauge does something odd.

6) Hesitation on acceleration - There is noticeable hesitation when pulling away. The engine seems to labour (there's vibration through the steering wheel under load too) when going up hill. The vibration goes away under cruise (70 ish with 2500rpm). I've also noticed there's not much in the way of throttle response (i.e lots of travel before kick down and things "happen".

All in all in very happy with my new purchase, but would appreciate any thoughts on the above.

Thanks in advance :)
Oh forgot to add, the Gearbox Temp indicator is permenantly on too (even when cold), I assume this is a dodgy sensor?
Put some pics up :D

Not sure about any of the other issues but wet carpets - check where wheel arch meets bulkhead. Problematic area.
I'll get some pics as soon as the weather improves :) Sadly the flip paint doesnt photograph all that well.

Thanks for the advice RE the carpets, im assume first course of action will be to pull the carpet up.

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