Christ, you can't make this up ****. JLR products are utterly crap. Imagine what a new Defender's going to be like in 5-10 years time with 50,000+ miles on the clock...and 85 ECU's o_O

To be frank, the design team need a kick up the arse for producing a proper off road vehicle with this amount of tech. Toyota et al are laughing all the way to the bank.
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That would be pretty funny, if I didn't feel sorry for the bloke.

He has paid 50,000 dollars, for something that looks like a Freelander 2, but uglier.
And he has had it 2 weeks, during which the engine management light has come on, and refuses to clear.
And what appears to be an onboard playstation has packed up, never to return, just when they were enjoying playing with it.
And it is now back in the dealer, with no fixed date for return.

I suppose buying a new vehicle before the bugs are ironed out was a mistake, but all the same, surely JLR could do better.
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That would be pretty funny, if I didn't feel sorry for the bloke.

He has paid 50,000 dollars, for something that looks like a Freelander 2, but uglier.
And he has had it 2 weeks, during which the engine management light has come on, and refuses to clear.
And what appears to be an onboard playstation has packed up, never to return, just when they were enjoying playing with it.
And it is now back in the dealer, with no fixed date for return.

I suppose buying a new vehicle before the bugs are ironed out was a mistake, but all the same, surely JLR could do better.

I brought one of tHe new batch If the new shape civic, back in 2009/10 maybe, and was a beta tester. Worst thing that happened was the fuel filler flap sponge seal degraded rendering the seal tank inaccessible.

JLR are a whole level of ‘customer beta test’ in their approach. No way would I ever buy a new JLR product. I *might* consider the new defender when they are available secondhand for sensible money and all the bugs have been ironed out. Probably in about ten years....
I brought one of tHe new batch If the new shape civic, back in 2009/10 maybe, and was a beta tester. Worst thing that happened was the fuel filler flap sponge seal degraded rendering the seal tank inaccessible.

JLR are a whole level of ‘customer beta test’ in their approach. No way would I ever buy a new JLR product. I *might* consider the new defender when they are available secondhand for sensible money and all the bugs have been ironed out. Probably in about ten years....
Let's hope the poor sod has a Jeep that he can actually drive around while he is waiting for it to come back! :D
It makes you wonder what the design brief was. "Right lads. Gather round. We want you design and build an offroad capable SUV with as many complicated on-board computers and unproven electronic modules as possible. Don't worry about reliability. We'll work that out when the punters bring them back under warranty."
is this not just part of the grand plan? build cheap and fragile so that 95% make it through the first 12 months? after 3-4 years more cars show errors, but by that time they have been traded in and are just another used vehicle, not covered by warranty etc
same as anything else, if it survives the 1st 12 months, it should be OK and reach its potential lifetime of 100,000 miles or 8 years old, with a few expensive bits being replaced here and there.
is this not just part of the grand plan? build cheap and fragile so that 95% make it through the first 12 months? after 3-4 years more cars show errors, but by that time they have been traded in and are just another used vehicle, not covered by warranty etc
same as anything else, if it survives the 1st 12 months, it should be OK and reach its potential lifetime of 100,000 miles or 8 years old, with a few expensive bits being replaced here and there.

Sadly, I fear you are right with the above. What makes my p*ss boil is that JLR then have the audacity to charge £50-£90k for what is a pile of unreliable crap + what I can never fully fathom is that the average marketing driven pseudo-upwardly mobile munter falls for the hype and buys the bloody things :eek:

Here, I'll keep buying Subaru Forester XT's. They're uber comfortable, first rate off road and a huge amount of fun in the snow with a set of winter shoes....the standard XT gives 220-240bhp with plenty of torque enabling 2tonne towing + they're as tough as old nails. Mine has never failed, nothing breaks, no screwy ECU's going haywire...and if wanted, one can tune the life out of them and turn them into a properly quick Q car :)
how much of this tech is European branded Chinese crap high priced cheaply made for for max profit ,is it British or just badged as British
Probably assembled in Britain from Turkish steel, and parts sourced from anywhere on the planet they are cheap.

That is the way the car industry works, and has done for decades.
I brought one of tHe new batch If the new shape civic, back in 2009/10 maybe, and was a beta tester. Worst thing that happened was the fuel filler flap sponge seal degraded rendering the seal tank inaccessible.

JLR are a whole level of ‘customer beta test’ in their approach. No way would I ever buy a new JLR product. I *might* consider the new defender when they are available secondhand for sensible money and all the bugs have been ironed out. Probably in about ten years....

I reckon the 10 years is about corect for jlr issues to become well known and fixable for sensible money, of course it took 15 years for people to be able to fix the p38:D

The sad thing is most new cars are pants, and the hype surrounding new models is just that, hype, yet people fall for it!
I reckon the 10 years is about corect for jlr issues to become well known and fixable for sensible money, of course it took 15 years for people to be able to fix the p38:D

The sad thing is most new cars are pants, and the hype surrounding new models is just that, hype, yet people fall for it!
we dont have a choice. you buy whats on offer, or you walk
Looking at the specs I’d be reluctant to take one of these new Defenders beyond walking distance of civilisation. If, sorry, when, it breaks down or goes into limp mode the chances of you or a bush mechanic fixing it are nil.
What’s needed, as a minimum, is a button on the dash that accepts all the alarms, overrides all the ‘limp mode’ conditions and lets you drive 3,000 miles to the nearest franchise dealer, or nearest Toyota dealer where you can trade it in.
Bit like the Rover City a union jack badged Tata with a 30 year old Peugeot engine being fixed as they left the docks and idiots bought them must be the same idiots buying the new Defender but in this case they are now owned by Tata.
maybe that's the new JLR buzz word when they are delivered hoping they don't return too quickly. Tata
remember the good old days when Rovers where slated by the press and most of the problems were imported from German siemens (VDO ) Buru coils that fail and Italian fuel rails and electrical harness that catch fire and are still doing it
but now made in the worlds pandemic capital China

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