
9B3DB7F3-6AB4-4440-A217-5F78B3AFD01F.jpeg CC6B23D4-7D1C-4EB6-9882-0EF42B5E0460.jpeg CC4CAB8B-2658-470F-ADA1-A03DA4E381AC.jpeg Hello all :)

On Saturday I picked up my very first ever landy! The defender 90, which I got from Hallam Brothers in Hayfield.

I was actually on holiday in Hayfield, and live a good 2 hours away.. Passed Hallams after a meal out at a pub. Had a wander round, saw this, took it for a test drive and fell in love!

I’m in no way mechanically minded (perhaps this will change that) and come from a good 10 years of Audi ownership.

Starting small with my modifications, security first of course, then sound deadening and audio. It won’t be a daily driver, but will likely be a long distance tourer with a tent and a dog.

Love the car, love the community spirit of owners and Hallams where excellent.

Hi and welcome!

Great looking Landy! As said, invest in lots of decent security measures too. Landies are very popular with thieves, especially Tdci’s.
Thanks :) the security stuff has already started to arrive. It’s also boxed in down the side of the house by the Q3, which is behind gates.

looking forward to enjoying some trips away in it
Welcome to the forum

Get a tracker. Search for MTrack on youtube. They're too easily stolen.

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