
New Member
Hi all. I am considering getting a full respray for my 1994 landie and I could really do with new doors as the originals are past their best. I could pay 650 for direct replacements but SPLandrovers do a series 3 split door replacement brand new, complete kit, delivered for 368 for both doors. That's half the price. Has anyone else done this and does it work? Incidentely I am shopping around for respray prices - so far I have been quoted 5000 for a back to metal all cappings off and three new doors job - that's what I paid for the landie to start with! Can anyone recommend a paint shop in and around norwich, Norfolk? Cheers
Some people prefer the series doors, with the sliding windows and lift up handles and you see a few fitted to later model Defenders.

That respray cost sounds a bit dear and probably involves the sprayers doing all the dismantling and rubbing down themselves. if you can take the trim off and rub down yourself and just get the spraying done professionally it should be a bit more reasonable. Having said that, a lot of people on here seem to have repainted Land Rovers themselves. A mini roller seems to be the weapon of choice, and can end up looking quite decent on an older machine.
£5k, wow! I'd expect near show quality for that.

I'd expect to pay around £2 - 3k for a decent full respray in the same colour, depending how bad yours is currently.

Why not go for a set of all steel fully galvanised Defender doors, look better imho and all your current bits fit them. I think it's SP that sell these as well.

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