Hello chaps, nice to meet you all.

Having had a small windfall and managing to pass it by the boss of the household, I've very recently fulfilled a long term ambition and acquired my first Land Rover. A '95 300TDi 90 Defender, as the thread says.

My excitement was more than slightly quelled exactly 67.7miles/1hr25mins after I picked it up when the gearbox seized due to lack of oil. Bit of an awkward area really..... buyer beware etc as it was a private deal.
Anyway, 2 weeks (and quite a few quid for replacement gearbox) down the line, I'm due to pick up my new pride and joy.
Trying to remain upbeat and positive and starting to get the excitement back I had 2 weeks ago about picking it up.
Got 2 young girls who are as equally excited(mostly about being able to get into it thru their own private rear door and have the whole of the back to themselves......tho they can both fit up front due to having a middle seat too. Happy days!

I live in the 'badlands' of Lewisham, South London so I admit I've bought a wholly inappropriate vehicle for day-to-day life, but love Landies too much not to think they look just as brilliant in an urban environment. The most challenging terrain it'll get for a while will be the local speed humps but would really like to do some mild off-roading if possible, having been brought up on dirt bikes and spending my whole life trying to find excuses for getting anything with wheels muddy!

Anyway, being a complete Land Rover novice, please be kind as I'll no doubt be full of dumb questions.
I already have a bruised ego from the disastrous gearbox meltdown!
Be good to know if there's any members local to me? If not, hopefully bump into one of you sometime soon.

All the best,
You picked the best 90 a 95 300tdi should be top of everyones list.
You have to put a pic on here or you get kicked out.
Good luck with the new toy.
See newbies!
That's an introduction in the correct forum and a bloody good one too:)
Hello and welcome from me dude!:D
Hello and Welcome to the loonyzone.

Not wanting to appear to be a partypooper, but did you ckeck LEZ compliance if required?

Oh, as above , we like piccies, lots of them.

Sorry guys

I know how important it is to have photos - Please forgive my lack of protocol!!

And thanks for such a warm reception.
Looking forward to being part of the forum.

Oh yeah - good point Neilly.
I'm OK for the LEZ at the moment as it's not classed as commercial vehicle/van - however, when Mr.Khan implements the T charge in October, me along with anyone else with a pre '06 car will have to pay £10 for the privilege of going inside the classified area, which I presume will be the current Congestion charge Zone(?)
Nice looking old girl.

Not sure about the point of those spot lights on top tho, might be useful for lighting up the trees...:p:p

+1 on what Flossie said,

If you are going to get a tracker, then skytag have a good rep, but do not buy direct from them go via paddocks or one of the other usual suspects as they are a lot cheaper.

which I presume will be the current Congestion charge Zone(?)
I recall that the congestion charge zone is very different to the LEZ zone. Going off memory from my daily commute up the A2 from Kent (don't do it anymore) the LEZ started at about the Black Prince and the Congestion charge started at Southwark or thereabouts. So you are well inside the LEZ zone. You must check your vehicle is compliant and not just assume it is, you could be clocking up huge penalties if it is not compliant.
Welcome to the forum bud, take some inspiration from the stolen section and beef up its security and consider fitting a tracker like skytag. Make this one of the first if not first things you do.
Thanks again for the replies!

Just checked (heart-in-mouth moment!) with the LEZ exemption and thankfully it's OK.
You're right Wimblow, the LEZ is from nr the Black Prince and the Congestion charge from the Elephant. I'm not exactly sure where the T-charge will start from but think it'll be using the Congestion charge infrastructure/area (if I heard correctly).
Not too concerned with the latter as I rarely drive into town - tho I'm sure it'll catch me out more than once!

Re security advice(thanks) - I bought the big steering wheel lock and mahoosive pedal lock from the previous owner. I've still got nearly a year's subscription left on a Road Angel(same as Tracker) product so may buy another unit and use that up.
Everyone I've spoken to has said how nickable they are........blimey!!

Enjoying this forum a lot already :)
Lovely! No such thing as too much security on that. ! Otherwise it'll be off quicker than a prostitutes knickers......

That age should have an alarm already, siren a bit pants, mines wired into the horn, if yours is, move the horn to a place it can't be reached through the grill :)

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