
New Member
Hi All,

Recently purchased a Defender 90 TD5 so will be on for some advice no doubt! In Glasgow and keen to have a go at some light off-roading if anyone has any recommendations as well.

Thanks, Andy
Hi and welcome!

I can’t help with recommendations for off roading in Scotland but it would be worth contacting your local Landy or 4x4 club who will have events on. I believe there are no green lanes in Scotland either so your best bet is a club or travelling over the border if you want to go greenlaning.
Yeah thats right; seems to be a bit more difficult north of the border as you say but in contact with a couple of the clubs so sure I will get something there!

Got any pics of said new love, that you WILL hate at times I am sure:D.
But your here now and we can at least commiserate with you when you do have this hatered, also the gurus & guruesses will help:D.

Most of all enjoy it:).

Welcome to the daft club.
Welcome to the LooneyZone Andy. Have you got a temporary - or long-term case of Landy-itis?

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