
New Member
Afternoon All,

I've been a landy fan for as long as i can remember and i've decided that now is the time to take the plunge and buy one!

It will be a second car and i suppose the age old question that you hear a lot is V8 or TDi ?

I'm a petrolhead and have always wanted a V8, but am I asking for trouble - will a 200/300tdi be a safer option ?

The general idea is to buy a truck with a mild lift (2")and chunky tyres and go and play in the mud a little - lets be honest, light green laneing!

I guess i'm after advice as to what to buy, what to look for and how much realistically i should be looking to spend to get me started.

Hi there Dave!

I was tempted by the V8, but got the 300tdi as it was more fit for purpose for me.

Really depends on if your driving it far to pay and plays and green laning, if you plan on wading it then a tdi is safer :)

What you looking for? Disco, defender, series, rangey, free lander? All come with there own things to look out for before buying! See the appropriate section of this forum for expert advice before buying! Only wish I did!

Good luck and enjoy it :)
Welcome to the forum!

The clear choice with that decision is clearly a V8. ;)

You'll only be asking for trouble if you get something that has been thrashed about, not taken care of & had lack of oil changes. But then you could get the same with a tired TDi... Just a matter of choice.

And of course, which Land-Rover were you looking at getting? Again, clear choice is a Range Rover Classic. First coil sprung Land-Rover, capable off road and cruise in comfort. ;)

Let the arguments begin - good luck with your Land-Rover search!
Ideally i'd love a Defender, but failing that, a Range Rover Classic!

Coil sprung and tax exempt would be perfect, but the more i read the more i realise that those two things rarely go together!
I hope you're handy with a welder. If not, you will be soon after you get a Land-Rover! ;)

In all honesty, if your reasoning for getting tax exempt is 'to save money' then the ~£230 a year it costs really is negligible when you take into account the running costs of a Land-Rover. That's less than a quid a day...

If you don't go for a Defender/Series and end up going for something else then don't just look at tax exempt ones, there are (at this time of writing) 22 other years that a RRC was produced and they all need saving!!! :eek:
A D2 with it's traction control is 50 shades of awesome right there! You won't even need chunky tyres for light green laning either! Although, I have to agree that if you have a V8 one then chunky tyres do look the dogs danglies to match the sound of a real engine.
Still trying to find one that hasnt been ragged to death - sadly it seems all the 200/300Tdi's have had a much more pampered life - the V8's seem to be the scruffy kid in the corner of the class that no-one will mess with but no one actually cares about :)

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