
New Member
Hi all
Well after doing my time in the big bad city of Bristol I’ve up sticks and moved to sunny Northumberland, part of the deal was that she who must be obeyed would not stand in the way of me getting a new toy...well new to me.
With the small amount of money I have saved burning a hole in my back pocket I have taken the decision to forgo my usual buy it on a whim tactics and actually do some research. So here I am, I’ve spent the last 2 weeks hammering your search facility trying to find out as much as I can, I have seen the roasting some newbies have received and certainly do not want to be in the firing line.
I’m not a complete numptie when it comes to mechanics and have driven a 110 TD5 in a previous job so I think that I’m now ready to take the plunge and commit to many evenings and weekend spent on my back covered in oil swearing like a trouper.......bring it on.
(I’m sure I will look back on this post in a few months with a completely different level of enthusiasm).

Right I'm off to try and not buy the first 200/300tdi CSW 90 I see.
Cheers Mike

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