
New Member
hey all :D, just changed from a transporter t5 to a discovery 2 and had it for the past few months, i also own a 52 f6 which im restoring. i really like the disco and got it cheap as it had problems but nothing over the top, the engine runs really well but seems to have a mind of its own with the electrics. Fixed a whole bunch of little things already i.e fuses/relays discs/pads, a full service, both ride height sensors, MAF sensor and air bags. Then today i thought my compressor had gone as no power seemed to get to it and had suspension warning light, i then checked fuses/relay..... nothing so got a used compressor to replace...... nothing lol, haven't had to deal with air suspension till now! but i have soon realised of SLABS ECU and think it might of died? as replacement compressor has done nothing and its sat on the arches :(

Make sure all the doors are shut or it wont fire.
Also try and jack up the rear, if you have a towbar, jack form there and try and see if it lifts when its up in the air
Thank you biggeeeee & neilly for the warm welcome :D. Im in cholsey, i left the disco on side of road(muddy bank) after changing compressor with no joy and couldn't spend more time fiddling with xmas errands and so had to abandon her!!!! which my other half can see i wont stop thinking about it as why im here, thought i could at least brain storm :D il try tomorrow to jack it up and see what happens but im not sure it would do much good as its the compressor not getting any power it seems. i was reading something about SLABS ecu being faulty maybe or is their any wires that can come loose that i might of missed??
Has the compressor been running a lot?

Maybe worth trying 12V direct to the compressor as well tomorrow. iirc they can fault out if they are run too long and they go into an overload protection mode ( although I may be wrong , only what i have read as it has never happened to mine, so have not had to investigate any further)

i got 2 compressors here as i thought that was the problem which im pretty sure both work now after swapping it. i thought the compressor might be defective causing the warning lights but now i think otherwise changed the fuses and relays under the bonnet too.
If you try the jack and also the direct 12V , if that does not work you may want to try and find someone local with diagnostics. Maybe there is something that can be read or reset.

If you get really stuck then give me a shout, but i am the other side of Oxon from you.

i got my mate coming over in an hour going to go try tackle it again, i was really certain the compressor had gone but now i think there is loose wire somewhere or SLABS is a bit messed up. i got what you call the 3 amigos pop up a few times but thought nothing off it as it reset and changed fuse/relays as thought one of them might be the problem. But as what i know isn't much, just a process of elimination and maybe the SLABS unit could be faulty? as the 3 amigos is linked to that too if i am right?
Sounds like you have a few problems percolating along nicely.

Do you have the rave workshop manual?

thank you :D @
Hello and welcome :)

sorry i have not been on sooner but caught that nasty ass bug that seems to be going around! Carrying on where i left off:
I got the disco home eventually, HAZZZAH!!! i changed the compressor and it was still sat on the arches, left it a day and it pumped up, drove 3 miles, DING warning lights and back on the arches again..... so i do know that its not the relays or the compressor as they have been swapped. This leaves the S.L.A.B.S ecu that controls abs and suspension to be at fault? i left the car another day as it wouldn't pump back up, regardless of anything i tried. Next day it pumps back up again and i am able to drive the last 3 miles home without fault and have left it on the drive since.
i just got a icarsoft i930 and it read shuttle valve electric switch error would that have anything to do with it?

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