Hi, I recently bought a 90 van fitted with the much maligned 2.5 td, Ive just drove it back from suffolk to france (where I live, will be re-registering it when the v5 shows up at my uk addy) and it seemed really well behaved apart from a couple of niggles, I got the speedo to 75 at one point and she seemed happy to cruise at 55-60 returning about the 25mpg mark based on map distance and how many litres of diesel I put in the tank each fill up, which is a pleasant surprise after the 10-12 of the v8 rangie it replaced.
I bought it to use in my field and gentle offroading in the name of that and general nipping round, and so when it snows we're not snowed in bad because we're in a bit of a isolated area out in the sticks. For distance or comfort we can take the mrs's diesel people carrier...

What is concerning me is when it is really hot, at tickover the oil pressure warning light flicks on but as soon as the revs rise it goes out, however on cold start it might take 3-4 seconds to extinguish the pressure light during which time Im nervously praying for it to happen. Now my now rot deceased rr v8 classic did this when it needed a oil change or Id topped up with normal 20/40 or something as the oil pump design was a bit dated, so despite a bulkhead sticker saying the oil and filter was done 3k ago, Ill be changing it out this w/e as it doesn't look very clean and has a odd feel to it. But, is this a "normal" thing for the 2.5 motor? Is it just old age and worn shells taking their toll or should I be looking at the pump etc?
I know its not a well loved motor but I plan to be fairly gentle on it and Im not afraid of work.
I dont have a oil pressure gauge only the warning light but I guess the next step should be to fit one along with a new timing belt. Any recommendations, electric or a capillery tube one?

Also the fuel gauge doesn't work, the needle rises when you first turn on the ign, but slowly falls off as you drive until about 30miles into the tank its reading empty. The fuel level low light however seems to come on as normal when the tanks starting to get low and you brake etc and the fuel sloshes round. Which leads me to think the gauge is the culprit, don't I remember some bias resistor or something on them that blows? Not nice to make a 800kms journey in a unknown car round the route nationale network (autoroute a bit fast for this old girl). Had to stop in a few service picnic areas and top up from the cans in the back for peace of mind.
Now I still have the remains of my aforementioned rr classic, will the fuel gauge/sender off that be the same?

Theres also a clonk coming from the rear axle area when pulling off, Im guessing the rear propshaft is the culprit but will investigate more this weekend wife/kids permitting. I did the swivels and joints on the rr so Im quite familiar with the joints etc.

Finally, Im under wife pressure to shift the carcass of the rangie as its in the garden to stop the pikeys nicking bits off it which happens if I stash it in some distant corner of a field even in the middle of nowhere, if you had a 3.5v8 classic and a LR90, what bits would you save off the classic?
Id love to do the hybrid thing, but the law doesn't permit that here, so it has to be stuff that the controle people can't spot easily...

Hoping this isnt too many questions for a first post (in the defender section!) , Im really liking the landie so far especially the fact its not trying to pretend to be a car, along with my son and my dog certainly loves the back of it. Ill fix it, re-register it then Ill brave a lhd conversion on it...
But, is this a "normal" thing for the 2.5 motor?
Is it just old age and worn shells taking their toll or should I be looking at the pump etc?
Hard to say reely, probly old age though.
electric or a capillery tube one
I'd go for the tubey ones, don't trust this lectrickery stuff but if you sort the problem you shunt reely need one.
don't I remember some bias resistor or something on them that blows?
Do yer mean a ballast resistor? Even if you do I don't think mine has one I ant found one any how.
Theres also a clonk coming from the rear axle area when pulling off,
I'd suspect the UJs' then the diff but it could be the bush thingie that connects the A frame malarky to the axle.
stop the pikeys nicking bits off it
You wanna be careful he'll be ovver there doing some tiling so lock yer daughters up.

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