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Was in the pub last night and an ex mechanic asked if I had any recent pictures of my Landy rebuild. I told him I was at the stage of cleaning, rubbing down and painting. He asked if I had a needle gun and had to describe it cos I'd never heard of one. He reckons they're brilliant at taking rust off axles etc. Anyone used one? Are good cheap ones available?
I don't know about price but they are an excellent tool , just has vibrating rods that can move side to side slightly to fit in areas , usally used to brake pad changes to clean the calliper carrier as it takes seconds , very good in confined areas such as behind the shock mounts and near the swivel housing plates
Seen/used 'em when i was offshore. - as said they use a lot of air, noisy and you need to protect lungs (if there's a lot of dust) And can cause "white finger"(?) from vibration - if used a lot.
Otherwise, they're very good!
They sound awesome, might have to look into getting one. Always love a new toy! ;)

I'd be very careful taking it to a Land-Rover though, chassis or body of say a RRC/Discovery... Although I guess that's the point though!
Bugger, summat else I don't really need that I've got to have :(

Like the chainsaw I bought cheap that has sat in my workshop unused for the past 18 months.
Clarke do a cheap one for £36, looks well worth it. I've got two mates with compressors, so I just need to check if they are big enough. How often do you need to replace the needles?
Well, Thor 1950 was bob on about the ear defenders. :eek: Only used it for about a minute and my ears went numb. Couldn't hear the compressor kicking in cos of the noise from the needle gun. Very effective though!
These before and after shots show about 15 seconds worth of work. I was doing this on the drive, but think I will have to make space in the garage and close the door to try and keep the neighbours happy.


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well, thor 1950 was bob on about the ear defenders. :eek: Only used it for about a minute and my ears went numb. Couldn't hear the compressor kicking in cos of the noise from the needle gun. Very effective though!
These before and after shots show about 15 seconds worth of work. I was doing this on the drive, but think i will have to make space in the garage and close the door to try and keep the neighbours happy.

Regularly used with Barry sourced steam locos.

Seen them used also pretty noisy
Well, Thor 1950 was bob on about the ear defenders. :eek: Only used it for about a minute and my ears went numb. Couldn't hear the compressor kicking in cos of the noise from the needle gun. Very effective though!
These before and after shots show about 15 seconds worth of work. I was doing this on the drive, but think I will have to make space in the garage and close the door to try and keep the neighbours happy.

Nice. Think I need to get my self one of them :D

Oh and glad I wont be the only one with unhappy neighbours :eek:
Mine fecking hate me :lol:

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