
New Member
hi my landy is a 1978 series Petrol swb, had her for a few months now, and done a lot of work on her. however went out to her today and when i started her blue and white smoke came out the exhaust with a really strong smell of petrol and to top it off 1 of the cylinders is now missing so only 3 of the 4 cylinders are working :/ :( if anyone can give me some help, advice or even just an idea to what it might be please please do really need help?!?!??! any help much appreciated...
well, I would whip the spark plug out of the questionable cylinder. If it's mis-firing consistently, but you're not sure which one it is, then try pulling the ht leads off one by one. The engine will conk out if you pull one off from a working cylinder, but if there's no difference when you pull one off, then that's the one that's mis-firing, so you should whip that spark plug out, and examine it.

The smell of petrol could be that you're not getting a spark, so you're pumping out petrol from the mis-firing cylinder. Blue smoke is oil, which could mean a number of things, but it might not be the end of the world if the main problem is just the mis-firing.

Work from there I guess!
Pull all the plugs, they should be brown, if ones black and I suspect one will be then thats the offending cylinder.
If its suddenly started then it could just be a valve stem oil seal which isnt a major problem, if its a worn bore or a broken ring then thats more of a problem.
Do a google on a compression tester, better still if your keeping the landy buy one, you can find out with one of these whether its bore or valvegear related.

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