
New Member
Hi all,

Got a Disco 1 that's leaking through the back door. Closer look shows that the top edge of the door has come away from the seal, bottom edge is ok. Is it an easy enough job to re-locate the door? Has anyone else done this? All ideas welcome....
think the shims have gone walkabout on my hinges, can you get them separate or is it new hinge time:confused:
need to replace the hinges on mine, apparently a quite easy to fit by jacking up the door to support it with a high lift and removing the 4 bolts...

not done it though, maybe someone here who's done it can write up a method???
need to replace the hinges on mine, apparently a quite easy to fit by jacking up the door to support it with a high lift and removing the 4 bolts...

not done it though, maybe someone here who's done it can write up a method???

tek top hinge off change that then do bottom one
little tip fer yer doors on the disco's...........
yer know that double sided foam **** that yer put under yer sink to both seal it and give it a bit of movement??
well if yer get single sided and put it round yer doors (you will be able to see where your door seal has been on the doors) well it will both reduce noise and rattles and it gives it a realy good seal. i put mine in the drink yesterday after fitting it and not an bit of water got in when it used to, and it wasnt cause my door seals where shot it was just to give it that bit extra.

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