
Hello everyone, I have a 2004 range Rover gas. After replacing the starter(blew fuse link) . It will not start. I purchased a emulator because my steering column would not lock. I can get the starter to turn by jumping power to the park/neutral wire. But it will not start. Any suggestions, thoughts?? I know I've left out information.
Thank you
Is the battery 100%?
Have you checked the plugs/leads?

Diagnostics would be the safest bet rather than spending out with maybe no effect. I’d check what I could first
Battery is good, filters, everything. I know the problem is in the immobilizer and steering ecu. I have a problem with the park/neutral wire but I can bypass that. I really need to understand the immobilizer and steering ecu.
Have you looked in the tech section for ‘RAVE’ download? All the wiring and how the ECUs work should be in there
Thank you, yes I've looked. It's just gives a general layout. I need the voltage for every wire going into the immobilizer and steering ecu. Plus some direction.
@Jdova I doubt I can help ut just want to ensure I am understanding you correctly, so any answers make sense to me. You are using an emulator to do the job of ( bypass) original software, you are basically hot-wiring park/ neutral , and want a way to get into the immobiliser and steering ECU, which are working as they should?
No, I'm using a emulator for the steering ecu(it was made for this) I think I have a bad park neutral switch. So I just jump 12v to the wire.
Best bet is get a garage to put it on diagnostics and get the fault codes. These are complicated machines the codes will give you an idea of where problem is

Good luck
We're definitely in @Saint.V8 or @holidaychicken territory.

These cars are an electrical nightmare. Are all the systems talking to each other. I think it uses a canbus and if something blows it can knock out one part and then everything downstream stops communicating. Car is a bit too new for me though so purely guessing.

Guess you could try following the battery disconnect procedure and leave disconnected overnight. Works for my PC and what you're driving is essentially a 2 ton desktop.
Also occurs to me the chaps on the fullfatrr forum might know more about the L322?
Thanks, I need a cheap scanner that will put the engine ECU in learn mode.
I think you're on a hiding to nothing, looking for a 'cheap' scanner for this vehicle.

There are several threads which mention which ones are compatible, and pricing. Can't remember exactly but believe they start around £200, maybe a bit more.
Think cheapest diagnostics would be from Storey Wilson. You need to check the year on the L322 to see which ones use AllComms and which 4DCAN. I think the Gap IID tool is well thought of but suspect it only works on canbus ones.

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