
New Member
if you want to search for anything on ebay, you need to get stuff filtered, as there is so much of it. I thought i'd post the filters i use to search for P38 Range Rover parts.

There are a few sections to search, as there is a Land Rover Parts & Range Rover parts section. Obviously if you have a classic or L322, this search wont work, as all the references are for P38 parts and model numbers.

Searching for P38 parts in 'Range Rover Parts' Section:

Searching for P38 parts in 'Land Rover Parts' Section:

Or, navigate yourself to the relevant section, such as 'Car Parts', and stick this in the search box:
("range rover", rangey, rangerover, "rr ", p38a, p38, 38a,"95-02",m51, mk2, mkii) -classic -efi -3.5 -3.9

hope that this helps somebody, you never know ;)