
New Member
Hey all
im soon to be a first time landy owner, the one im getting has a few small probs that im looking for advice on.

1) The fuel gauge always reads full, is this the gauge, wiring or the fuel tank sensor?

2) Is there any where i can find a guide to rebuilding the heating system so that i can get hot air in the cab, it's not plumbed in at the mo, so i only get cold air. i need to sort this out before the winter.

Any help would be great.
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Hello...i doubt its the guage, more likely wiring corroded/fallen off/eaten by squirrels. Easy to check, wires on top of tank and behind guage, obviously..check the earth.

For the heater, do a search for 'heater matrix' see what you can find.
This is a reply I made to a heater querey a couple of weeks ago:-

When you look at it the Defender heater is simplicity itself and a few minutes adjusting the cables so flaps are open or closed when they are meant to be makes the world of difference. This one sounds a little different and I wonder if the levers are actually operating the correct cable (i.e. the hot/cold lever is adjusting the dashboard vents?).

The heater-is a metal box with a fan at one end, a matrix in the middle and an outlet through the bulkhead at the other.
The fan motor lever not only operates the motor but when pushed fully up closes the flap at the bulkhead stopping any air passing through the heater-box. The temperature lever operates a flap that allows air to pass either through the matrix (hot), bypass it completely (cold) or a mixture of the two. Lastly the air output lever operates on the flaps mounted in the lower dashboard section and allows air to exit either through the lower dashboard or windscreen vents.
When you have a good look at it you will soon get an idea of how it works.

Another common problem is that the control cable inner often siezes in the outer sheath so when you slide the levers up & down the outer is moving in the clamp and not moving the inner at all. Make sure the inner is free and the outer is securely clamped.

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