
Brought a Landy to LZ11. Yay!!
Over Christmas the fob on Drover decided to finally give up on being proper usable - needless to say all sorts of thoughts ran through my head!!

I found the following website - www.remotekey.co.uk

The chap is pie hot - I ordered a new 'all in one' fob in a key jobbie for £78 plus a refundable £24 deposit on the coding unit. He wasn't due back officially until 5th Jan - so imagine my surprise when the key and coding unit turned up on the 3rd Jan!!

All told, it took about a minute to plug in the coding unit and for it to do its thing and set the new keyfob up.

All I needed to do then was get the key blade cut - this was done in the local hardware shop for nowt, wouldn't even let me buy him a pint!

Enclosed in with all the stuff was an offer to refurb me old fob for the £24 deposit - so I took advantage of that offer bearing in mind the old fob, needed the battery holder soldering, and one of the buttons was decidedly worn to say the least.

Sent that back with the coding unit and just 2 days later I had a completely refurbed fob back and my keycode which I never had before.

Absolutely fab service from www.remotekey.co.uk and one I feel worthy of a mention here! - hope no-one minds. :clap2:
Dunno Thomo - this was the only outfit I came across - the guy is fast with his shipping and the gear is good quality.

I was using my fob, naked - as in just the circuit board over Christmas break, so I was desperate so to speak and fair go I was impressed by the speed on the chap, both on initial dispatch of the key and coder, then really impressed with the speed of the refurb job. The circuit board is now brand new, as is the fob outer, battery, buttons, and the button contacts inside.

Its essentially a completely new fob - the only thing that is 'old', is the silver 'dome' chip thing from my old fob - I guess that holds the coding for 'fob to car' comms. I know it was my old one as I managed to dink the top of it.

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