
New Member
OK, a serious post fer a change (200 TDi before you ask) ;)

Drivin up the M1 from Wakey this evening, steady 60 on inside lane (heavy traffic) wasn't really watching the tarmac and I heard and felt a really nasty clunk/bang and veered into the middle lane. Recovered direction and thought it wuz a blown tyre or I'd dropped a prop (that sort of clunk). Hazards on, onto hard shoulder (just by Lofthouse interchange) and had a quick check of the damage. Couldn't see owt wrong, so decided to not go up M1/A1 home and go through middle of Leeds.

Pulled into Jet station in Stourton and had a good probe around with Maglite in me gob and everything seemed normal. A bit shaken though. Running low on juice so filled up at Shell station neer Moortown Golf Club, but noticed that temp gauge was running at normal temp - it normally runs neer bottom unless I'm thrashing it it 70-75 down motorway. Only doozul pump in action wuz Shell V-Power so I put a tenners worth a that in (good stuff actually, but more later).

A few things noticed on drive back home that left me a bit concerned but can't do anymore till daylight tomorrow.

1. Transmission noise is different, I can hear the tyre growl from me Machos, but everything else seems quieter, apart from some noise from rear diff which is goosed and being changed when it goes fer MOT.

2. Brake pedal is different, it now feels like it's servo assisted as opposed to needing a superhuman strength to stop the bugger. When in overrun the pedal travels a couple of inches further before the new progressive brake feeling occurs.

3. Engine temp gauge is now readily moving up to the halfway point but no extra heat is coming out of the pathetic attempt at heater matrix.

4. Steering wheel is impossible to turn when stationary, but is OK when moving. I topped up the levels last weekend as it was low and was getting a bit "stiff" at low speeds, but now is embarrassing when manouvering in tight places.

So my questions really are this. Did I run over something, give it a big knock and kicked the arse of things that needed some gentle persuasion with #1 removal tool? Has me brake master cylinder given up the ghost, or has it all started working how it's supposed to given that I can hear vacuum hiss when I press the pedal? Is engine now running hotter because of summat else (or V-Power doozul), or just working normally and temp gauge/thermo has been kicked into action? Have I fooked summat on me drive train and it temporarily locked up but now is operating in limp home mode?

A few bits of advice is greatly appreciated, but will take a better look in the mornin as I'm now knackered an going to bed ;)
If it were in limp home mode it'd omly do about 20mph. Prob hit sumat om M1 and the paranoia has made everything feel/sound different.
No limp home mode on a 200tdi so it's not that. power steering out would be more noticable at speed I think. Veering into the mid lane sounds like something ****ted the front end . Hitting a brick with the nearside front might loosen a stuck disc pad improve the brakes? , bend a rod making the steering a bit wierd? Transmission noise was the stuck disc pad?
Cheers fer the advice, belts are all in tact, and steering is ok when moving even at a snails pace, so will put it down to the big knobbly tyres. Can't see anything wrong at the moment with anything, so I'm assuming whatever I hit has done what a strip down and rebuild would have done, apart from brakes. Always paranoid about brakes. Difference between a good yarn in the pub on a Friday and a funeral :(

Will take a good look this weekend when I service her (ooh-err)

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