
New Member
Hello all been a while since I posted as iv been in norway for a couple of months, iv just sold and old landy and have some cash floating round to buy a nanocom for the p38 but I'm unsure on what it can do, iv looked on the website and read all the info on them but it's my first p38 and unsure as to what half of the stuff is it can do, reset fuel trim flaps and adaptive valves etc so wondered if someone more knowledgable on these things could put it in a bit more plain English for me as to its true potential to making owning a p38 easier. Eg will it tell you if you have a duff spark plug or lambda sensor etc all the way to resetting faults and what the hell is the fuel trim all about?

As ever I would be lost without help from you all on here thank you
Have a look here

Home Page - NANOCOM Evolution

and click on the emulator tab

This gives you access to a virtual Nanocom Evo and you can enter all the various menus


  • tAB.jpg
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Brilliant thanks the emulator helped loads think I will purchase one of those, just need to read up on all the magical things it can do and how to use it
Brilliant thanks the emulator helped loads think I will purchase one of those, just need to read up on all the magical things it can do and how to use it

I've got two of the bu66ers as of today!:D
You just missed out on the group buy, what a saving

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