
Well-Known Member
Speaks for itself


Graham Smith

Joined: 13 Jan 2008
Posts: 38
Location: Poole, UK
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 15:44 Post subject: Van Zyls Pass, Kaokoveld, Namibia
Kaokoveld was build by God... because he knew Landcruisers would be along soon...

Here is a clip of my car "Miranda" and trailer "Dessie" decending a tricky part of Van Zyls pass in June 2007.
YouTube - Landcruiser and Trailer Decend Van Zyls Pass

And because the Cruiser makes it look so easy here are couple of other cars doing the same bit...
YouTube - Russell driving down Van Zyls Pass

YouTube - David driving down Van Zyls Pass